Doing Business in China Part 2: Hair By Akoni

I am first generation Nigerian American (Akwa Ibom State), grew up in the American South (Louisiana, Texas, Florida), studied/lived in France, and now China- and that's just about as diverse as my sense of style is, which changes just like my hair. Since I have lived in China, I started Hair By Akoni, a hair distribution company, as well as a sourcing company.
Living and doing business in China has opened my eyes to the intricate details that artists and designers go through when it comes to the inception of an idea, the production and manufacturing of that idea, the protections of said idea, and the global dissemination of the idea turned product. Read more about my journey at Liberate Magazine.
YES FASHON LAW INVOLVES MORE THAN SUING OVER STOLEN DESIGNS. In fact, the legal issues concerning the business of fashion are similar to other industries- just insert fashion here. Contracts need to be drafted, intellectual properties registered, and these may have to be defended around the world. Further, since the boom e-commerce, paypal accounts and websites do get shut down too as assets are frozen in pending litigation.
All the while we hope that morally, business cares enough about the environment to abide by global emissions codes, use recyclable products, and sustainable energy. In fact, Fashion Legallaire has spotlighted the environmental issues surrounding the fashion industry before- read about it here and here- and will revisit this topic again very soon. In fact, a lot of pollutant factories in China make the fashion world go round but we all play a huge role in today's world
As always you can find me right here at the Fashion Legallaire blog and on Twitter. To learn more about my hair company, visit Hair by Akoni on Facebook and Instagram.
Stay tuned...
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