Basic Contract Law Challenged and Why Ryan Leslie Must Pay Up
When you are a talented producer or songwriter, you cherish the lyrics and records you make. They are the product of laborious hours and can make you a fortune. As song lyrics and records are an artist’s intellectual property, he or she goes to many lengths to protect them. But would you offer $1 Million dollars if you lost your laptop filled with your songs; and would you really have to pay such a large quantity of money?

Sometime later a man named Armin Augstein responded to
Leslie’s announcement claiming he found the laptop while walking his dog; but
Leslie refused to pay him claiming that Augstein’s find was “fishy” because the
laptop no longer contained his songs. Naturally, the lost and found men took
this argument to a Manhattan Court and the jury agreed with Augstein and
ordered Leslie to pay up the $1 Million Dollar reward offer.
The jury correctly decided this issue of basic contract law in
regards to an offer and an acceptance of that offer. When a person makes an
offer in exchange for another person’s performance , as Leslie did, then the
person making the offer is legally bound by the offer if the other person so
performs. In this case, Leslie made a $1
Million offer in exchange for another person to find and return in his laptop,
the performance. Therefore, since
Augstein performed the terms of Leslie’s offer by finding and returning his
laptop, Leslie is legally bound to pay him.
However, Leslie is not the only artist to lose his songs. Multi-Platinum selling rapper Drake has lost 3 Blackberries filled
with his lyrics. The blog “Much
Music” interviewed Drake and he told them, “Yeah, I’ve lost a lot of great
stuff. [I] Lost some of my hottest
versus down at Cabo.” Drake also
admitted that if he backed it up and was responsible then he would not lose his
Fashion Legallaire's Take: Hopefully Leslie learned two valuable lessons: do not make
offers he will not keep and to back up his music files just in case he loses his laptop.
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